Wednesday 29 August 2007

Trip 4 - Day 20

29th August

A doesn't have such an early start today, so we have a couple of hours to ourselves and as I have food in the fridge, she hasn't got to feel the need to prepare anything for me. But at 09:30, she's off and I won't see her until tomorrow afternoon. I accept that it is me fitting in with her life and whilst it can be frustrating with her being away so much, it's just the way it is.

I check my phone and I've had a text from DiscoCol (or whatever his latest board name is.) wishing me luck for tonight and asking if I could check that Pim is okay. (She is mate. She's just been 'busy' for a few days)

For lunch I have my Pad Thai from yesterday and in the afternoon I grab a couple of hours nap as I know it's going to be a late night tonight.
I awake around 17:00 and I'm not feeling too bright. I have some tea & toast, but it doesn't stay down too long. After an hour or so, I feel somewhat better, so it's SSS and at 19:15, I head off to Cherry Bar on Soi 8.

I realise that I'm still 'not 100%', so I get a motorcycle taxi rather than walking to Pattaya Klang to catch a bus. As we head down Pattaya Tai, the smells of the food stalls make me feel very queasy and by the time I get to Soi 8, I need to visit the loo as a matter of some urgency, but I really do feel much better afterwards.

So, back to the bar and a I realise just how quiet the complexes are at this hour. Having lots of girls about hides the fact that there are very few customers. A few guys do turn up however and I get to chat with a few of them including a fleeting (or should that be fleeing) visit from Casper UK.

The first BM to arrive is Scumbag along with Mrs. Scumbag. Chatting is difficult as there is music blasting at us from both the adjacent bars as well as a live band playing in what was Midnight bar back in May. (Midnight has now moved yet again to take over the bar left vacant when Hansa closed down).

BM's Mike100 and his wife, Elvis30 and a mate of his, Luvtomuff with his fiance and Carbine all appear during the night as well, so I've got to meet a few new BM faces which is good and also a couple of guys that are not members on the forums (John & Eric)

Next thing I know, the girls have started playing 'spin the bottle' and the forfeit is a shot of Sangsom. I watching the antics and joining in the laughing, when I'm dragged in to form part of the circle. Despite blatant cheating (who'd have thought it of a BG?), I get away lightly with only two shots consumed, but some of the others got 'caught' several times and the effects started to show.

Time passes by quickly and before I know it, it's 03:00 and the customers have all but dispapeared. We're sitting chatting at the bar and I get chastised for walking everywhere. I'm told that if I want to go shopping, I should simply knock on the door of one of the girls and borrow a scooter.

At 04:00, I'm given a lift home by Tai and it's quite strange seeing the building so busy with Nam, Tai, Pun and myself all going into our respective rooms.

Expenditure :

Motorcycle Taxi : 50 baht
Toilet Fee : 5 baht

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