Monday 27 August 2007

Trip 4 - Day 18

27th August

It's Monday and it's 'Buddha Day'. A says that she will only work a half day today and as there is no work tonight, she will 'do cooking'. I spend the morning writing ever more aggresive emails to my ISP who have still failed to even acknowledge the emails that I have sent them, but as it's only 05:00 in the UK, I guess that nobody in Customer 'Service?' or Technical 'Support?' has started work yet.

Lunch is simple; just a ham salad baguette (same as yesterday) with a mug of tea and a DVD playing on the TV, however any idea of lasting peace and quiet (and possibly a short snooze) is shattered when the little girl from #2 arrives and wants to play Pinball on the PC again. I log off everything and leave her to get on with it whilst I then busy myself doing domestic duties cleaning the room.

A returns back from work and says that she has to go and buy food and asks for 500 baht, so I assume that she's off to buy food for the week. No; she's off to buy duck and chicken and various other 'items' and when she returns, there's a repeat performance of the 'big cook' that took place last night.

Plates of food are washed down with beer, spy or whiskey once again however the night isn't so late and we retire at around 23:00.

Expenditure :

Food : 500 baht
Allowance for Mama : 1000 baht

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