18th September
I go round to Kev's at lunchtime and the scooter taxi driver doesn't have enough change, so the fare is 52 baht.
I ask Kev whether he's had his appendix removed and he confirms that he has, and from the symptoms and location of the pain A is suffering, I am very concerned. It's not something that I'd ever paid any attention to in the past, as I've never had such a problem. I call A and she confirms that she'll be going to see a doctor later in the day. When I get back (laden with books and DVD's - Thanks Kev!), A is already home.
She's been to see the doctor and it has cost 3500 baht for a consultation and various items of medication, however as the tablets are supplied loose in bags, there is no way of me identifying what it is she's been prescribed.
The doctor has said that if the pain persists for more than 2 days or it gets any worse, then she should go straight to the hospital for an operation. Naturally A is rather worried about this and I feel totally inadequate as there is absolutely nothing that I'm able to do for her with her suffering. I pay her 1000 baht towards her doctors fee which she has partly paid for by pawning her gold bracelet.
We then talk about Phil and she's fairly insistent that he is going to live with her for at least a few months. It seems that this is not open for negotiation and I'm told that he can simply sleep on the floor. I'm also told that there will be no 'nookie' whilst he's sleeping in the room, so we are back to discussing a house move.
In addition, A really wants somewhere to live where she's not eating and sleeping in the same room and if Phil is going to be staying over, then we need to look at 2 bedrooms. I make it very clear that I will not be acting as a baby-sitter for him and I'm told that it will not happen. (Hmmh!)
We then get a call from Kye and it seems that we're off to see a house a house tonight!. Quite why the neighbours get involved, I don't understand, but TiT. The house is a serious upgrade on the current accomodation comprising a lounge area; two bedrooms; 2 bathrooms and a kitchen as well as a space out front to sit and to park the scooter.
In addition to the space, there is also aircon in the master bedroom and lounge and one of the bathrooms has a hot water heater. I'm told the rent is 5000 baht a month and as said before if we move here, then the allowance for Mama will be cut to 500 baht a week so I just 'go with the flow'.
We return to the room via the food stalls and a Mom & Pop store where I buy a few beers.
Expenditure :
Chang - 100 baht
Food - 100 baht
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