Thursday, 23 August 2007

Trip 4 - Day 14

23rd August

I awake at 04:30 and A still hasn't returned home, so I guess that she's working an all nighter again. I get the laptop hooked up and start working through a few tutorials on Website production and fueled by mugs of lemon tea I make good progress.

I start the rebuild of an informational website that I had originally produced back in around 1993. I find a few cached copies of some of the content and use this as a basis for using the new production and publishing tools that I now have.

Progress is quite good and time simply flies by.

At around 09:00, I am disturbed by A coming home. She's shattered and says that she would have been home earlier but the loading of the boat was stopped due to rain at Sri Racha. I had thought that the work on the boats was in some way related to her work 'in shop', but it seems that I've got it wrong and it's basically a second job where she is called on an as demanded basis.

She says that if she doesn't work, then they will call somebody else, but as "I always can work", she gets called quite high on the list. It's something I will have to just learn to live with as it generates a good second income for her.

Within 20 minutes of arriving home, she's curled up on the bed and she's fast asleep, so I simply return to the computer and spend the rest of the day working on my website.

When it's time to publish, I find that my ISP has stuffed up my account and I do not have access to FTP my data to the server. I send an email to Web Support requesting that they get the issue resolved.

By 15:00, A awakes and she says that she needs to go and "get food for do cooking". She opens the fridge and sees my purchases from the previous day and checks that I have everything required (Seems I got it right) and then produces another chicken panang which is definately one of my favourites. (Green curry next time I fancy).

It's now time for a mandatory 3 hours of Thai TV. Films, news & soap operas are all viewed at the same time with channel hoppping taking place avery 5 - 10 minutes. I really don't understand it, but I have to admit I've witnessed this behaviour from other TG's in the past, so I'm guessing that it's commonplace.

Later that night, A asks if I want to go to the night market near Bangkok Pattaya Hospital to see what secondhand computers are available. I agree, so we travel via the unmade road and go past Kevin's new place and then 'hang a left' to get on to Sukhumvit.

The PC's on offer are no great improvement over the laptop that I have and are not really suitable for running what I want as they are 400 / 667 MHz processors and only have 128Mb RAM. A says that we can go and look in Tukcom if I want, so that's our next stop.

To be honest, the fayre available secondhand here isn't a lot better and is relatively expensive when compared to the new budget systems being offered new in Big C and Carrefour so I decide to investigate a little more before deciding what to do.

We stop in at Big C on the way home to get a few items such as washing powder and soap, but when I go to check the PC prices and specs, A notices that they have a TV games console on offer and she tells me that Phil's one at home is broken. She says "Is okay, you buy. I give money back you later"

So the budget got busted

Big C Supplies : 475 baht
Big C games console : 560 baht

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